Reviewing the Updates to the CNCPS v7 Model, Dr. Van Amburgh, Cornell University

Posted: Januar 31, 2023


Dr. Van Amburgh, Cornell University: Dr. Robb Bender, GPS Dairy Consulting & Dr. Mike DeGrott, EDGE Dairy Consulting

Episode 62: Reviewing the Updates to the CNCPS v7 Model

Podcast Topic

Gathering around the pub to discuss the latest version of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) version seven is Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Dr. Robb Bender and Dr. Mike DeGroot.


Extension expert and professor of animal science at Cornell University, Dr. Van Amburgh guided the conversation by briefly touching on the history of the system and the changes to the latest version. He mentioned what has now evolved to a software platform with many equations, essentially began as a 30 year old spreadsheet. 5:45

For nearly three decades the dairy industry has been using various CNCPS versions to formulate rations and create management plans. While each version brings an added level of accuracy, Scott Sorrell, podcast host and director of global marketing for Balchem, asked what the dairy industry can expect from this improved version update. 8:42

Dr. Van Amburgh mentioned ultimately it’s all about finding a balance between the cow and the model. He added the new version moves away from the crude protein concept, but brings forward a three pool model of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility and gathers all the nitrogen recycling pools to improve nitrogen efficiency. 12:11

While the publishing timeline is yet undetermined, the last major difference between version six and version seven is resolving the amino acid requirements through fill and flux efficiency, Dr. Van Amburgh went on to mention. 14:51

Joining to discuss how his team utilizes CNCPS is Dr. Robb Bender, Manager Partner Consultant at GPS Dairy Consulting. He mentioned his team leverages the opportunity to fulfill rations through the system using the NDS platform and asked about the impact that variable criterias of forage selection has. 22:55

Dr. Van Amburgh said the most important number for forage moving forward is the 12 hour number given the labs are as efficient as possible. Ultimately, he added with high quality forages the earlier the time to estimate the length it takes to fill the fast pool the better. 24:31

While NDF is correlated to feed intake, uNDF is in fact forage remaining after digestibility within 240 hours. Dr. Mike DeGroot, owner at EDGE Dairy Consulting asked about the impact of uNDF in various rations. 30:15

The impact stems from cow performance changes, mentioned Dr. Van Amburgh. Adding to the research that version seven includes are several evaluations on forage fiber and the inversely related digestible and indigestible pool. 31:20

Within version seven, understanding the chemistry of feed additives and the nutrient values they offer is also a high level factor. In fact, Dr. Van Amburgh mentioned the updated version includes a 2015 study over water soluble carbohydrates, the extended study of starch and also the impact of sugars in any diet formulation. 44:42

So what does the future of CNCPS look like? Short term, Dr. Van Amburgh said he is working on a database that offers a full calf, heifer model and transition calf phase. He added working to frame the fatty acid and amino acid requirements is the next goal. 55:15

Dr. DeGroot wrapped up the conversation, mentioning he is looking forward to the new version of the CNCPS because he believes that as new models get better, science also gets better.

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