The Evolving Field of Nutritional Immunology – Dr. Barry Bradford, Michigan State University & Dr. Turner Swartz, Michigan State University

Posted: 26 1 月, 2021


Dr. Barry Bradford, Michigan State University

Dr. Turner Swartz, Michigan State University

Episode 7: The Evolving Field of Nutritional Immunology

We are back at the Real Science Exchange, and this week Dr. Barry Bradford and Dr. Turner Swartz, both from Michigan State University, join us. This week the pub table discussion is focused on The Evolving Field of Nutritional Immunology. Dr. Barry Bradford presented as part of the Real Science lecture series.

His presentation, “Feeding the Immunity Defenders; The Evolving Field of Nutritional Immunology. You can find the link to that presentation here:​. The conversation at The Exchange kicked off discussing that you can’t ignore the immune system and its integral involvement in day-to-day physiology.


The dialogue continues to come back with the focus on micronutrients & trace minerals, including selenium, choline and vitamin E. Both Dr. Bradford and Dr. Swartz discuss how they play into their research and the day-to-day work on the dairy farm. 6:57

Dr. Swartz has focused his research on mastitis, and he discusses the transition period and how one disease can lead to another in a domino effect. He talks about what role trace minerals play in cow health during this period. 10:01

We circled back around to Dr. Bradford, discussing that hundreds of receptors are expressed by cells appearing to be designed by nature to respond to nutrients. He shares that it dramatically changes the ways we can think about using nutrients. 14:25

As the discussion continues, both Dr. Swartz and Dr. Bradford dive into how the decisions made related to each other and what that means for your nutrition and health planning. 29:06

Additional Notes

If you have questions about nutritional immunology or suggestions for future sessions, feel free to email
