Cornell Nutrition Conference – New Insights from Univ. of Wisconsin Transition Cow Research, Dr. Heather White

Posted: 23 3 月, 2023

Podcast Topic

Joining together for the final episode of the New Revelations in Transition Cow Nutrition mini-series from the 2022 Cornell Nutrition Conference to discuss animal nutrition requirements are remarks from Dr. Heather White of the University of Wisconsin and topical insights from Dr. Clay Zimmerman of Balchem.


Dr. Heather White, University of Wisconsin

Episode 65: Cornell Nutrition Conference – New Insights from Univ. of Wisconsin Transition Cow Research, Dr. Heather White


Discussing the challenges a cow faces during transition to lactation, Dr. White briefly began the series highlighting the impact both negative energy and nutrient balance has during each period. 3:58

When a cow enters different cycles such as pre-partum, her energy requirements vary and balance among glucose, negative amino acids and macro and micronutrients becomes critical factors. So how can nutritionists maximize adaptive mechanisms to shift precursors or ingredients to maximize lactation efficiency? Beginning with key lactation performance supplements, Dr. White mentioned choline is a nutrient with the ability to impact milk yield and improve energy production. In fact, a 21-day choline study from the University of Wisconsin indicated a 4.6 pound per day increase and substantially greater carryover ratios. 15:28

Not only has research shown the immediate production benefits of choline, but also the positive impact the nutritional supplement has had on liver lipids during calving. Dr. White added that with three available methyl groups, choline also plays a valuable role in methyl donating which has long lasting effects on liver metabolism and overall nutrition. 20:21

In addition, research shows that supplementing cows with rumen protected choline (RPC) ultimately improves calf growth, immune functions and metabolic health as well. However, when discussing health and clinical improvements in a prepartum cow, Dr. White mentioned the key is to understand the next generation is developing in utero. She then shifted the conversation, echoing the importance of choline supplementation in multiple generations as body score conditions fluctuate. 35:53

Wrapping up the conversation, Dr. Zimmerman summarized key points that Dr. White shared and highlighted the impressive milk yield results from the University of Wisconsin study. 45:32 If you would like to review Dr. White’s webinar from the 2022 Cornell Mini Symposium, you can view all four webinar series at

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