
NiaShure is rumen-protected niacin that helps lower internal body temperature; protecting milk production and reproductive performance during the hot summer months. Standard heat abatement techniques are important, but now you can help lower their internal body temperature, protecting milk production and reproductive performance during those hot summer months.

NiaShure works in tandem with other heat abatement techniques to effectively cool your cows. NiaShure is absorbed in the small intestine and goes to work quickly to direct blood to the skin and extremities. This leads to greater heat transfer and increased sweating. More sweating allows for greater evaporative cooling, which lowers internal body temperature and reduces heat stress.

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Key Advantages of NiaShure

NiaShure can help keep your cows cooler this summer – from the inside! Proven as an effective vasodilator in human nutrition, niacin directs blood to the skin and extremities, leading to greater heat transfer and increased sweating. More sweating allows for greater evaporative cooling, which lowers internal body temperature and reduces heat stress.

NiaShure Precision Release Niacin is approximately 85% rumen stable. Delivering eight times more bioavailable niacin to the small intestine than raw niacin, NiaShure overcomes rumen degradation for a more efficient delivery.

NiaShure goes to work quickly with no adaptation period. When you see a heat event coming, add NiaShure. Once the weather cools, you can simply pull it out. That’s precision feeding at its finest.

Customer Resources

For more information on NiaShure, make sure to check out our product information, technical reports, research summaries and other resources.

Research Summaries

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Title Link
Effects of Encapsulated Niacin on Evaporative Heat Loss and Body Temperature in Moderately Heat-Stressed Lactating Holstein Cows View