What to Expect From The Dairy Markets in 2021? – Dr. David Kohl, President of AgriVisons, LLC & Dr. Bob James, GPS Dairy Consulting

Posted: January 5, 2021


Dr. David Kohl, President of AgriVisons, LLC

Dr. Bob James, GPS Dairy Consulting

Episode 6: What to Expect From The Dairy Markets in 2021?

Podcast Topic

After making it through 2020, it’s time to look ahead to what to expect in the dairy markets for 2021. Joining host Scott Sorrell at the pub for the next episode of the Real Science Exchange is two guests and two cohosts; Dr. David Kohl and Dr. Bob James and Dr. Clay Zimmerman and Jonathan Griffin as cohosts from Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health.

Dr. Kohl presented in the Real Science Lecture series, Transitioning a Black Swan to a Phoenix in the Global Dairy Markets. Here is a link to that presentation: https://youtu.be/myhTpyBJzKE


Today’s discussion dives into a quick look back at what happened in 2020 and critical learnings for the 2021 outlook. 10:36

When Dr. Kohl takes a look at an individual dairy farm or the larger industry, he discusses the importance of Business IQ and what that means for the business’s overall health. Additionally, he discusses the change in consumers’ outlook on agriculture’s importance through food shortages at the grocery store. 12:51

As a calf consultant working with farms across the globe, the changes to travel and transition to virtual meetings, Dr. Bob James discusses how that can help dairies. 15:11

With any sector of the agriculture industry, data overload can be a struggle. It’s not different in the dairy industry, and Dr. James and Dr. Kohl discuss the role data plays on the farm and tips for drilling down to the critical data sets to make decisions. 21:55

In 2020 many collegiate courses went virtual, and with that, it allowed both Dr. Kohl and Dr. James to lecturers in the classroom. They stress the importance of folks entering into the dairy industry to diversify, take classes outside of animal science, and even outside of agriculture to broaden their perspective and become more adaptable. 29:42

The two guests shared their perspectives on two key aspects for 2021 and beyond: virtual assistance/expertise and further niche diversification by dairies to set themselves apart. 40:31

Additional Notes

Thanks for joining us for another discussion around the table at the Real Science Exchange. To recommend a topic for future podcasts, email anh.marketing@balchem.com.
