Balchem offers both original and buffered versions of MetaMag® (Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate). Balchem’s magnesium chelates have been clinically demonstrated to be easier on the gastrointestinal tract than inorganic mineral sources; the buffered form utilizes magnesium oxide to combine high elemental magnesium value with high bioavailability.
This chelate binds magnesium with two glycine molecules. Glycine, an amino acid that occurs naturally, forms low molecular-weight mineral chelates that can pass through cell membranes.
Magnesium and Brain Health
There is currently high interest in the benefits of magnesium. This should be no surprise as magnesium has a multitude of functions (Hunt & Groff, 1990), including acting as a cofactor for more than three hundred enzymes.
Delivery applications
- Foods
- Capsules
- Tablets
- Beverages