
Choline salts deliver high choline content at low cost-in-use, maximizing value. From gummies to tablets to beverages, we have the right solution. Encapsulated choline is available for enhanced stability and controlled delivery. Our choline bitartrate is made with natural tartaric acid, while others use synthetic sources.

Our products could solve your formulation challenges and we can work together to shape a healthier tomorrow!

Food Sources

Mindful Nutrition for Mental Health & Wellbeing

Acknowledging the demands of modern life and the difficulty in maintaining a perfectly balanced diet, we offer a diverse range of dietary ingredients specifically formulated to support our mental and cognitive health journey.

Food sources include:

  • Eggs
  • Meat, especially chicken and beef
  • Fish, such as salmon and cod
  • Dairy products
  • Dietary supplements
  • Fortified foods
Hands Egg Cracking

Health Benefits

Offering solutions for better health and wellbeing!

Our product focus is on improving health benefits from pregnancy throughout the full span of life:

  • Cognition
  • Liver health
  • Healthy Metabolism
  • Vitality
Group of Pregnant Woman Holding Bellies


We are focused on improving health benefits in three key therapeutic areascognition, healthy metabolism, and vitality. We offer a broad range of products which can be used in a variety of product applications.

Choline Bitartrate

We produce our choline bitartrate using tartaric acid sourced from wine production, to ensure isomeric purity.

Choline Chloride

Our choline chloride provides a high choline cation load, making it an excellent choice for beverages, dairy products, foods, infant formula and similar nutritional supplements.

Choline Dihydrogen Citrate

Choline dihydrogen citrate is used in a wide range of products, from infant formula to dietary supplements and fortified foods.

Product List

Product FamilyProduct FormProduct Code
VitaCholine® Choline ChlorideCholine Chloride USP/FCCF6522120
Choline Chloride 1% ConditionedF6524120
VitaCholine® Choline BitartrateCholine L(+) Bitartrate – regularF6492120
Choline L(+) Bitartrate – conditioned regF6512120
Choline L(+) Bitartrate – conditioned 20-meshF6502120
Choline L(+) Bitartrate – conditioned 40-meshF6472120
Choline L(+) Bitartrate – conditioned 60-80-meshF6672118
VitaCholine® Choline Dihydrogen CitrateCholine Dihydrogen Citrate – regularF4532120
Choline Dihydrogen Citrate – conditionedF4562120
VitaCholine® B90 IP (Non-GMO Microencapsulate)VitaShure® Choline B60 (Microencapsulate)F4005017
VitaShure® Choline B90 (Microencapsulate)F4007017
VitaCholine® B90 IP (Non GMO Microencapsulate)F4004017

Our Brand Solution

Supercharge Your Body and Mind with VitaCholine®

Setting the standard for choline salts around the world. VitaCholine® supercharges our health to keep us at our best. So, when life accelerates, take it in your stride with VitaCholine®.

VitaCholine logo with purple and teal background

Cornell University Research Study

Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy

Our VitaCholine® brand of choline salts were used in a groundbreaking clinical study which showed significant brain benefits for babies born to moms who received supplemental choline during pregnancy.

Pregnant Woman holding stomach

Smart Start

The ‘Complete’ Prenatal – A Smart Start to Life!

Learn about trends influencing the prenatal segment and how products containing choline are driving both sales and profit in this increasingly premium category. Connect with us today to learn how our ingredients can power up prenatal vitamins to give babies a smart start in life!

Choline Pregnancy


  1. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, 1998.
  2. Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institute of Health. Choline: Fact sheet for health professionals.


These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

These statements have not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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